Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Chapter 1- The Domicile

We return to the Wood sisters as they have been dropped off at their new dwelling...

Pepper- "Is this supposed to be our house?"
Poppy- *Notices motorcycle* "Ooo..."

Pepper-"The giant voice bribed you with a motocycle?It...totally worked didn't it?"
Poppy- *Drools* "My precious..."
Pepper- *Sigh*

After a lot of emoing the girls finally looked around the house...

Hobby Room:

Pepper stopped to try out the keyboard..she is atristic so she couldn't resist...


Dining Area:

Living Room:

Poppy got right to work here...

Such a couch potato...

Play Room:

Pepper found some entertainment here too...
"Dafuq?" *Puts on*

"Hoooly cheese n' crackers...!" *floats*

Epic Laundry Room:
(Hopefully we'll get a gnome from all the laundry :3)

Girl Kids Room:

Boy Kids Room:

Pepper's Room:

Poppy's Room:

Baby & Toddler Room:

Hot Tub & Garden Area:

The girls even got cats to remind them of home...

Meet Duke...

...and The Duchess...

Looks like the girls have decided to go driving and take a look around...

Poppy: "Your car looks weird." 
Pepper: "Your face looks weird."
Poppy: "Your mom."
Pepper: "Yours too."
Giant Voice: "Greetings twins!Are you off to get pollinated?"
Twins: *Scream and drive off the road*
Giant Voice: "Human customs are odd..."

To be Continued...

Kat's Notes:
I know, not a ton happened here besides a home tour, but things will pick up, I promise! <3


  1. Buwahahahahah!! I loved that ending, the fact that they bicker constantly . . . so fitting! I love the house, omg. O_o Such a good job!

  2. I hoped you'd like that XD
    They are twins with very different and...ahem..colorful...personalities. It seemed fitting. Lol!

  3. The house looks gorgeous and very futuristic/space like. I love the two cats, especially Duchess.
